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What We Believe

In a Triune God - One God in three persons (The Trinity). God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe.


He has eternally existed in three persons as:

Father: the all powerful, all knowing, all loving, Ruler of the universe. That in the beginning, God created all things by and for Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ: the Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father. Jesus has eternally existed and became man through a virgin birth, lived a sinless life, completely fulfilled God's holy law during His lifetime, died on a cross in the place of sinners, arose bodily from the dead on the third day and ascended back into Heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for those who have become His own through faith in Him.


The Holy Spirit: the third person of the Trinity. Who was sent to indwell born-again believers and influence them in areas of conscience, behavior and guidance. He guides believers into all truths, exalts Christ, convicts of sin, righteousness and judgement, cultivates Christian character, comforts believers, bestows spiritual gifts by which believers serve God and seals the believer unto the day of final redemption.      


In eternal existence - that all who have been conceived on earth will live eternally either separated from God in Hell or in the presence of God in Heaven.  

In the Total Depravity of Man -  Although created by God in the image of God, all people are marred by an attitude of disobedience toward God called sin and are in absolute need of redemption coming from outside them selves. 

                                  That forgiveness of sin is available to all through confession and repentance.                                                                

That Salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus and His atoning work on the cross-alone. That it is a free gift and can never be attained by good conduct or benevolent acts.


That Jesus Christ Alone can provide redemption through His own substitutionary death to make restitution for man's sin.         


In water Baptism by immersion - as an outward expression of an inward conversion - to be experienced only after salvation. That baptism is symbolic of our dying to the old self - being buried with Christ into a death like His - and   being resurrected with Christ to walk in the newness of life with Him daily. 

That the Church, is made up of redeemed sinners, is God's chosen vessel for proclaiming and spreading the Good News that salvation is available for everyone.

The local Church is an autonomous body of baptized believers serving under the Lordship of Christ. All members are equally responsible as they serve with the scriptural officers (pastors and deacons) for fulfilling the duties of the  church in harmony and unity of spirit. 


In the future return of Jesus Christ to this earth to reign someday as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

Offerings, Tithes and Donations may be mailed to P.O. Box 280, Alamance, NC 27201

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