What to expect:
Each week we fellowship together through music, prayer, giving, and a teaching that explains the Bible by showing us a different way to live our daily lives. Dress is casual and you can plan for the service to be a little over an hour long.
If you are a parent, we recommend that you encourage your kids to experience their own age-appropriate ministries that take place during the adult services. Children's Church begins after the Children's brief sermon in the sanctuary, and nursery is provided for children under three. Church teaches the entire family!
Plan to arrive approximately 12-15 minutes before the start of the service to have time to park your car, check your kids in, and get to the sanctuary before the service starts.
Nursery is provided for ages infant through three year olds to give adults the opportunity to attend Sunday School, Sunday Morning Worship, Sunday Evening Services and Wednesday Services.
Sunday School 9:45am
Sunday Service 11am
Sunday Children's Church 11:20am
Youth Meeting 4pm
3:16 Middle School 5pm
F3 Pre-K-5th grade, 5pm
Evening Service 5pm
Each week we meet and study lessons in the Bible. Classes choose topics to work through with video, book tutorials and lesson preparation. Come fellowship, learn and worship with us.
Youth Meeting, 6pm
Prayer Meeting, 7pm
Mission Kids Preschool 7pm
GA/RA, 7pm
3:16 Middle School 7pm
Bring your praises and prayers to our Wednesday night prayer meeting. We lift up request and praise, and learn a short lesson applicable to our lives today.
Mission Kids is a discipleship group for preschoolers from birth through kindergarten. In Mission Kids, preschoolers develop a missions heart as they move from a focus on themselves to a focus on others. Preschoolers grow toward God as they become aware that God wants everyone to know of His love.
Preschool is an exciting time in a child’s life, where they develop an understanding of who God is and how they play a part in His plan for the world. Mission Kids provide preschoolers the building blocks of faith and teach them of God’s love for all people.
Through engaging activities, games and stories each week, Mission Kids will move from a focus on self to a focus on others. This builds a lasting foundation that helps them grow into the next generation of Christ followers who will fulfill His Great Commission.
Preschoolers can learn about missions through: Bible thoughts related to missions, fun hands-on activities, mission stories, cultural learning activities, sensory activities, prayer times, giving offerings, and helping others.
Girls in Action (GA) is an exciting and fun-filled missions education organization for girls in grades K-5. Through GA, girls gain a greater understanding of God's work in the world and how they can join Him in His work.
As GAs meet and learn together, they "travel" to various places around the world learning about the work of missionaries, praying for others, learning what the Bible says about missions and serving others, and learning what they can do in their own communities to serve and share Jesus with others. GA helps girls gain a biblical worldview that challenges them to live a missions lifestyle everywhere they go and in whatever they may do.
Royal Ambassadors (RAs) is a missions discipleship organization for boys in grades K–5. Through hands-on activities that encourage spiritual growth, games and sports, and mentoring relationships with RA leaders, RA members become a faith-based brotherhood.
Through RA, boys gain a greater understanding of God's work in the world and how they can join Him in His work. RAs learn about the world, pray for the world, and learn how they can be used to tell others about God's Son, Jesus. An ambassador can be defined as a messenger or representative—someone who tells or reveals truth. Royal Ambassadors seek to share the truth that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
The middle school youth group, The 3:16s, is made up of youth in grades 6-8 who want to be known as followers of Jesus. Our goal is to help young people know Jesus in a personal, intimate relationship as Savior and Lord and to help them grow in that relationship.
We also have a desire to reach out to others with the love of Jesus Christ and provide a place where they are accepted, loved, nurtured, and cared for. Their are many additional activities the youth are involved in such as community service, summer camps, mission trips, etc.
If you are in 6th - 8th grade, come join the fun. We would love to have you!
Have Questions?
Our Address:
3572 W Greensboro Chapel Hill Rd, Liberty, NC 27298